Amateur Radio Volunteer Examiner

Communication, Coordination, Cooperation

I have a been a volunteer examiner for amateur radio since September 2013.  I have participated in 73 ARRL exam sessions as of April 2022.  You may check the ARRL session counts by visiting and perform a search by using CTRL+F and typing in my call sign “KG4HIR” <enter>.

ARRL-VEC Volunteer Examiner since 09-16-2013
W5YI-VEC Volunteer Examiner since 08-07-2015

Additionally, I have led the uniform initiative for fellow volunteer examiners in the Central Savannah River Area since October 2015.  Many of the volunteer examiners choose to purchase a shirt to wear during volunteer examination sessions.  Having uniform shirts help the Volunteer Examiners standout when examinees arrive and provides a gentle invitation for questions.  This initiative incorporates a standardized shirt type, shirt color and embroidery design which allows us to wear the shirt regardless of what Volunteer Examiner Coordinator authority we are currently operating under at any given exam session. Each of the Volunteer Examiners who purchase shirts receive this proof method to ensure the proper size of the shirt, the name and call sign are correct prior to having the embroidery work completed.  Stitches Unlimited is the local company we use for all of our embroidery needs.

ARCCC, Inc. VE Session at H2U 05-14-2022
Pictured Left to Right Back Row:  Dan Marshall (N4MI), Rusty Welsh (KG4HIR), Walter Brumbeloe (W4EFS), Ray Gannaway (KJ4HZ)
Pictured Left to Right Front Row: Frankie Silva (KO4EVO), Jim Cunningham (KV4YA), Shannon Covington (KK4MED) and Bill Clark (WK4F).

ARCCC, Inc. VE Session at H2U 11-14-2015
Pictured Left to Right Standing:  Shannon Covington (KK4MED), Jim Cunningham (KV4YA), Dick Embry (KD4CK),
Pictured Left to Right Sitting:  Walter Brumbeloe (W4EFS), Rusty Welsh (KG4HIR) and Ray Gannaway (KJ4HZ).



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