
Communication, Coordination, Cooperation

In January 2015, Rusty coordinated a 900 MHz pair of frequencies for use in an analog repeater located in North Augusta, SC through the Southeastern Repeater Association.  The 900 MHz repeater was a collaborative effort between Walter Brumbeloe (W4EFS) and Rusty Welsh (KG4HIR).  The collaborative effort was solely based off of receiving some equipment from fellow amateur radio operators in Calhoun County, Alabama and our having access to a tower site that would facilitate the repeater’s operation.

Since then, a backup repeater and duplexer has been installed and routine maintenance has been performed on this equipment in attempt to keep all performing as optimal as possible.  The repeater antenna and cable that are being used were left over from a previous tenant and are not up to Rusty’s usual high expectations.  However, the repeater is on the air and several amateur radio operators in the area utilize the repeater on a routine basis.  The use of the repeater is open to any licensed amateur radio operator with the expectation that they will respect the Trustee’s License, enjoy the use of the repeater in a family friendly atmosphere and with “good amateur practice.”

Repeater Specifics:

    • Make Model:GE MASTR II 800 MHz Converted for 900 MHz Operation
    • Location: Located in North Augusta, SC
    • Call Sign: KG4HIR/R
    • Repeater Output: 927.8000 MHz
    • Repeater Input:    902.8000 MHz
    • CTCSS In & Out: 146.2
    • Power Out: 30 Watts



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